This conference is of multidisciplinary nature and covers the various disciplines of science and is intended to expose for the first time in a joint workshop, students and faculty members to the thrust areas of research with emphasis on indigenous problems.
Topics to be covered:
Drug Discovery
Drug Delivery
Nanotechnology in Biomedical Sciences
Peptide Nanostructures
The conference delivers an opportunity for authors and speakers to publish their research activities in a special issue of Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry published by Bentham Science Publishers. The abstracts related to “Organic Nanostructures in Medicinal Chemistry: Advances and Applications” will be evaluated on the basis of novelty and quality of work and the selected abstracts would be invited to submit full length papers on or before October 31, 2014. The acceptance of the submitted papers is subjected to critical review.
Source: Yashvi, Campuswalkin Specialist
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