Otolaryngologists or ENT surgeons specialise in treating diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. They treat patients of all ages who have problems related to these areas of the body. Maladies or conditions that an ENT surgeon might treat on a regular basis include ear infections, hearing impairment, pain, nerve disorders, ringing in the ears, disorders of balancing rising from the inner ear, nasal blockage, allergies etc. They also treat patients who have difficulty with speech, swallowing, throat infections or swelling in the head or neck due to tumour or infections. ENT surgeons treat all of these areas through the use of medicine and in some cases, surgical procedures.
As an ENT specialist your job will involve diagnosing a patient and examine a patient for any signs of injury or ailment. As an Otolaryngologist you may experience extended work hours and on-call situations that require them to meet the needs of a patient at any time of the day. Thus, you have to be adaptable and able to work well under stressful conditions. You should be able to provide comprehensive care to patients in a team environment working with other medical staff.
As a physician, an otolaryngologist is required to obtain a medical degree (MBBS), which takes about five years, followed by postgraduation in otolaryngology. One can also undergo super-speciality training (fellowship).
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