To trace the history of Jadavpur University is to trace apart of India’s freedom movement, at least from the Swadeshi Movement onwards.It was 1905 -1906
Bengal stood divided. The times were feverish.
The hegemony of the British establishment had to be challenged.Education had to play a new role in this changed scenario. It had to become anew form of resistance through which the emergent nationalist spirit could bepropagated. With this in mind the National Council of Education (NCE) came intobeing.
Its primary aim was to impart education - literary,scientific and technical on national lines exclusively under national control.To achieve self-reliance, through education. The foundation of the NCE was madepossible by the munificence - scholarly as well as monetary - of the likes ofRaja Subodh Chandra Mallik , Brajendra Kishore Roychowdhury of Gouripur as wellas Sir Rash Behari Ghosh (first President of NCE), poet Rabindranath Tagore andSri Aurobindo Ghosh.
Class rooms are properly furnished with adequate chairs, tables, TV sets, LCD and Over-head projectors etc.
The college has well-equipped computer lab with broadband Internet connectivity and a host of other required software. There are more than 100 modern computers in the labs that facilitate in learning IT and also undertake research and data processing.
University has 3 departmental libraries under the Faculty of Arts, Science, Engineering and Technology, and also the libraries attached with the schools and centres for studies. This is the third largest library in West Bengal. The membership of the university library is open to the teachers, students, research scholars, officers, non-teaching employees, ex-employees and ex-students of the University; and even to the teachers of schools, colleges, universities and government employees outs
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The Information will be added soon.
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