The School of DAAF (Design Art. Animation Film) is set up under the aegis of the Maharishi Group, established by the legendary Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – the world-famed founder of Transcendental Meditation. The Maharishi Group with hundreds of schools, colleges and universities across the globe collaborates with Paperboat Design Studios Pvt. Ltd. to nurture the deep connect between consciousness and creativity.
‘The tree is the expression of the seed’ is an adage that closely defines the soul of DAAF. A center of excellence with a difference, our endeavour is to reimagine design education for effective social transformation.
MUIT's design methodology will inculcate design thinking and innovation through community and collaborative engagement with real-life concerns and values. It would endeavor to harness community and local resources towards optimizing a product, service or system with a concern for reinforcing social ergonomics and sustainability.
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, spacious well-equipped studios and advanced technology, this distinctive education would be facilitated by a multidisciplinary core of renowned educationists and practitioners from Craft, Arts, Design, Animation, Film, Media Technologies and allied areas of Liberal Arts.