AMU is a pioneer in introducing Maagement education in the country. The journey began in 1969, with a 3 years Diploma in Business administration in the Faculty of Commerce. A Master of Business Admininstration ( MBA) was introduced in 1972 and a separate Department of Business Administration was established. A secound Master's Programme focusing on International business, now called MBA (IB), was started in 1993. The department has been offering full time reseach programme in Management. In addition, an Executive Research Programme in collaboration with All India Management Assosiation (AIMA), N. Delhi. The programme has received over-whelming response from practitioners. So far, more then 70 industry professionals, Goverment Servents, Army Officers and Management Educators have been awarded doctorate through this route. Having made a mark in the field of teaching and research, the department further aims to grow as a trustworthy training and consultancy institution in the country. With the core faculty of 20, mostrly holding a doctorate in their respective areas of work, the department has earned the distinction of a credible institution offering quality management education at affordable cost. The Department, through its focused programme, is committed to improve the management practices in the country and outside. The department is in the process of buiding up an Integrated Management Complex that shall have state of the art academic infrastructure.
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