The University has recently established a School of Engineering Sciences and Technology (SEST) with a mission to pursue high quality research and impart research-led education in emerging multi-disciplinary areas encompassing science, engineering and technology. SEST provides a perfect environment to pursue cutting-edge cross-disciplinary research by taking advantage of the already well-established schools of study on campus, particularly Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer/Information Sciences and Life Sciences, that have an enviable track-record. SEST will offer courses/research projects in collaboration with these Schools as well as the Nano-Science/Technology Centre, Advance Centre for Research on High Energy Materials and Central Instrumentation Laboratory. SEST also expects to collaborate closely with premier research institutions in the vicinity, such as DMRL, ARCI, IICT, DRDL, RCI, NFTDC etc., and forge close linkages with diverse Indian industries to build a vibrant program spanning high-quality scientific and applied research.
The informatin will be added soon.
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