Hi Jaivika, Industrial biotechnology is a new and exciting approach to preventing pollution, resource conservation and reducing costs. If biotechnology is able to be developed to its full potential, then industrial biotechnology will have a larger impact on the world than health and agricultural biotechnology combined. With lots of companies with the food processing and pharmacy industry setting up their Research and Development (R&D) set-ups across the country, there is a large degree of demand for the professional researchers. A career in industrial bio-technology will include jobs in the food industry, petroleum industry, pharmaceutical industry, power, chemical etc. Although huge number of jobs is available in India for these graduates, lots of students are showing interest to become entrepreneurs. This is because of the reason that industrial Biotechnology is having vast application in the food processing industry. Anything from fruit jam to sandalwood oil can be produced and preserved with the different preservative methods. As it requires very little man power and limited use of technology, entrepreneurship is one hot career option in the Industrial Biotechnology field.
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