Hi, Electronic and Communications Engineering is one field which is applicable in our day to day life - computers, print media, visual media, audio and communication sector. Typically, the role of an Electronics and Communication Engineer involves design, fabrication, produce, test and supervision the manufacture of complex products and systems i.e., electronic equipments and components for a number of industries including hospitals, computer industry, electronic data processing systems for communication and in defense etc.
Future Scope:Increased production and demand by government, Public sector and businesses for communication equipment, computers and military electronics along with consumer demand and increased research and development on robots and other types of automation contributes to the growth of employment opportunities in the field.
In the Defense Services, young engineers start as Second Lieutenants or equivalent cadres. For selection into the Defense Services - Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, applications are invited through national dailies and Employment News.
As an ECE, you can work under telecom, hardware and networking, applications of all kinds, embedded system allied areas such as VLSI Design and fabrication and mobile computing and software development etc with some added specialization.
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